Making America Great

Make America Great

November 8, 2015

Let’s make America great again!

As political movements come to the forefront, I’m hearing this saying quite often. It’s already nearly as pronounced as the word “change” from a few years back.

Politics is about slogans. It’s as much about branding as any business.

So today, let’s examine the latest political slogan capturing the American consciousness. Both of these messages are super appealing. Although most people are afraid of change, if you present it the right way it appeals to a deep desire to change everything that’s wrong. Isn’t that where all the campaigns eventually end up? I’ll change everything that’s wrong, whether it’s within my scope or not.

Let’s make America great again? Please clarify. Great like when?

The revolution was a time of enlightenment, but the instability of that time would probably not appeal to most of us. That great America must have been after that, but not during the age of lawful slavery, right?

Or when women could not vote?

Let us fast-forward a bit. I have to rush past the bloody Civil war and both World Wars, because a society with it’s men at war is the last desire of the people of all nations historically. The desire of peace is a flagstaff of the greatest America.

So where is it?

Could it be that it’s right now? Could it be that the change we are drawn to is within out grasp in the present moment?

Let me know your thoughts below.


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